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Our extensive experience in California civil and family law, allows us to assist you with initiating, advancing, or completing a proceeding for dissolution of marriage. We do not represent clients, but rather provide them with the knowledge and guidance required to move forward with a divorce on their own.

Strategic Case Analysis

Prefiling Overview or Pending Case Review

1 h 30 min
299 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Consultation includes responses to specific questions and provides a review of the facts of a case, either prior to filing or in pending proceedings, the identification of issues, and a comprehensive discussion and analysis of the case and law related to those issues. This analysis also provides any strategic options that might be used to resolve those issues in a time and cost-efficient manner [Up to 90 minutes]. $299.00, includes the review of up to 25 pages of documents, and a copy of a written "Guide to the California Dissolution Process". DOES NOT INCLUDE THE PREPARATION OF ANY JUDICIAL COUNCIL FORMS, OR THE PAYMENT OF ANY FILING FEES

Contact Details

  • (415) 735-3910

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